The summer mountain camp was held in one of the most popular and luxurious hotels in Karpenissi, Montana Hotel. About 400 athletes took part, supervised by experienced Greek and foreign coaches.
Dozens of Tae Kwon Do clubs from all over Greece, as well as from abroad, participated, making the whole presentation even more interesting and extensive, and helping to spread the message and information about Frozen Seafood beyond the borders of Greece.
Athletes from the Netherlands, Turkey, Australia, Israel, Belgium, Cyprus, Albania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Germany and France completed the Greek participation and conveyed the message that sport unites people. But since food also connects the world, Frozen Seafood had to and should be there, informing each participant about the processes by which they get from sea to plate and the benefits they receive from eating them.
This particular camp combined the concept and spirit of a camp with intense and disciplined sports activity. So, this combination was a better, louder, stronger and more dynamic version of information for young athletes.